Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Journey Kick-off Activity a success!

Moroni's Brass Band

Book of Mormon Jeopardy

Learning the Journey song
Human foosball

The Journey Reading Schedule - April 27 - May 3

Read Alma 46:41 through Alma 58:8.


What qualities make Moroni such a great leader? (See Alma chapter 48) How can you incorporate those qualities in your life? List some ways in your Journey Journal.

The Journey Reading Schedule - April 20-26

Read from Alma 34:38 through Alma 46:40

What would you write on your Title of Liberty? What are some of the things you would fight for? See Alma 43:12-13.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Journey Costume Creating in 28th & 23rd Wards

Sister Jorgenson and Sister Jaynes ironing in the hall!

Brianna sewing

Sister Hale and Sister Kingsford cutting out fabric

Sister Hale giving instructions

Sister Thornell, Sister Johnson and Sister Slater helping
Jessica and Celeste

The Journey Reading Schedule - April 13 - 19

Read from Alma 22:33 through Alma 34:37

In Alma 26, Ammon glories in the Lord. In what ways can you glory in the Lord? In your Journey Journal, write a list of at least 10 blessings you are grateful for.

The Journey Reading Schedule - April 6 - 12

Read from Alma 11:45 - Alma 22:32

What are your feelings about the persecution that Alma and Amulek suffered at the hands of the wicked? What would you do under similar monder-day circumstances? What can you do to be strong enough to withstand persecution?

The Journey Reading Schedule - March 30 - April 5

Read from Mosiah 29:43 through Alma 11:44

Find out what happens to our mortal bodies after we are resurrected. Record your findings in your Journey Journal.